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The Vast and Mighty River: Literary Works of Chao-cheng Chung

  • DATE:2008-10-17~2009-04-01
  • VENUE:1st Floor, Exhibition Room D

Chung Chao-cheng is an exceptionally important pioneer in Taiwan literature. His novels and his participation in literature have formed part of Taiwan’s literary heritage. Throughout his life, Chung exerted all his strength to promote and participate in literature, to depict the wounded and stressed soul of Taiwanese people, and maintain an epic-like record of Taiwan’s history and destiny. Therefore, he wrote novels or serial works to awaken the self-consciousness and ethnic awareness of Taiwanese people. This exhibition presents Chung’s literary achievements and contributions and honors his decency as an intellect of Taiwan. Apart from the life, literary achievements, and contributions of Chung, the exhibition also brings the audiences to enter his literary world. In the creative mind of illustrators, the personality of the main characters in Chung’s Taiwanese Trilogy: Sinking, The Song of Heaven and Ocean, and The Song of Mountain are vividly depicted and captured to bring the audiences to the world of Chung’s literary world.