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Taiwan Literature Exhibition of Mother Languages

  • DATE:2010-04-24~2015-04-23
  • VENUE:1st Floor, Exhibition Room D

Taiwan is inhabited by multiple ethnic groups. Heteroglossia Literature using different native languages is a main feature of Taiwan literature. This exhibition is thus planned and organized for audiences to know and appreciate the excellent literary works created by outstanding writers living on this island. By presenting the diversity and abundance of mother tongue literature in Taiwan, including works created with Taiwanese, Hakka, and aboriginal languages, we aim to invite the audiences to explore the content and value and experience the beauty of mother tongue literature in Taiwan.


It is correct for people to write with their mother tongue, that is, an ethnic group should write literary works with their native language. For example, aboriginal peoples should write with their native language, and there is no question about this.Yeh, S. T. (2004, July 15). “The history and language change of ethnic groups in Taiwan”. Taiwan Literature Criticism, 4 (3), 27.